Monday, 21 October 2013

How to Protect Yourself on the Spiritual Path - Remove the Deadly Night Shades

Continuing on with our series and discussion on the many ways to protect ourselves in the healing professions (and any profession!), the next item on our list is the only group of foods (fruits) completely and utterly off of my list. 

These are the Deadly Nightshades family of fruits, which we would refer to mostly as vegetables. 

Now, there are many foods I won’t eat (nothing processed, only meat that I raise, caffeine free, drug free). But, after years of detox, healing, fasting, raising, planting, growing, making my own food and now re-building a sustainable – this is the one group of foods that has remained constant – on my avoid at all costs list. 

If you are walking a spiritual path (and taking it seriously) do not under any circumstances eat anything from the Deadly Night Shades family. These fruits include but are not limited to:

Gogi berries
Cape Goose Berries  

Go out of your way to avoid them, remove them from your home and banish them from your life as these fruits contain neurotoxins that seriously impair your immune system and interfere with internal communication (and ability to communicate). 

I refer to them as the anti-Christs of the food chain.

When we are walking the spiritual path and actually intend to end up somewhere (other then where we are right now LOL) our ability to listen on both an internal and external level is paramount to our security, safety and peace of mind. 

Not to mention that this is really the entire purpose of walking the path in the first place….to get back to that point in time of our human existence when we could actually hear the voice of god/goddess/spirit or whatever name we choose to put on that higher power.

I hear voices all the time (it’s part of being an intuitive) however, not all of them are guiding me, have good intentions, belong to me or are even worth me taking the time to listen! We are virtually inundated with noise, sounds, communication – quite a lot of it useless junk (don’t think so? Spend 5 minutes listen to radio/tv or reading a newpaper). 

All my life, I have had to work at giving that still small quiet voice a space to be heard and even though I do this for a profession, it’s still a challenge to really ‘hear’ the inner communication from my body/mind/spirit with all that chatter going on.

Once I finally removed the main part of the problem (Deadly Nightshades are part of the tobacco family), and continued to detox them out of my body – well, let’s just say, I would not give up any opportunity to hear and listen to my inner voice for anything.

It’s like hearing the voice of the ages…..It has never left us, it’s only been dampened down by toxins such as these Night Shades. Remove them and see what happens….it’s a whole new world in there.

Taking it all in....

Monday, 14 October 2013

Working On Our Own Stuff.....Healing the Self

Okay, as promised this is week two and number two of our twenty five ways to protect yourself in the healing professions. Of course, part of self-protection is also self knowledge – and if we don’t know ourselves, who do we know?

When we are working in the healing or energy professions, we need to be working on and aware of our own issues each step of the way. Then we must be taking significant steps towards the resolution of these issues, even if it seems as if we are going around in very large circles – any of this sound familiar to you? LOL

So, you all probably know pretty much what working on our own stuff is all about…..for some of us it’s therapy (lots of it!) while for others it might be along the lines of self-care – but it always means we should be taking time to listen to our own internal dialogue, look at our own relationships and get a grip on what is taking place (or not) in our own lives. 

Observe, watch, listen and then act on what you see. As observers in our own lives we can know exactly what is taking place, where and when. Anything taking place outside of you is also happening on the inside, all you have to do is pay attention. If your clients are presenting with drug addictions for example, it is time to seriously look at yourself and what you are drawing to you.

And this doesn’t mean you shouldn’t work with them or that you have a drug addiction….it simply means your own energetic patterns are rising up to be dealt with and is reflected in each person who comes your way – so deal with it! LOL

Every single person who walks through your door is a mirror for some part of you, something that is happening within you and something you are carrying – yours or not. So, remember, this can also be a reflection of an energy attachment that doesn’t even belong to you. 

Knowing exactly what is yours, where it is in your body, how it is affecting you, being aware that you are dealing with it and how to keep your own self contained - are all part of staying safe on this path….

Swans on the beach near Lough Hyne West Cork, Ireland 

Wednesday, 9 October 2013

Spiritual Protection - Spirituality 101

Actually, I am having a pretty great week so far. Last night we had my class on Protecting your energy field in the healing (or any) professions….and at an hour and a half over the time we had planned to finish, we realized it was time to call it a night. 

It was great to share, listen and be heard on a spiritual level – my heartfelt thanks to all who attended – we will do this again, soon.

One of the most important things to come out of those few hours spent discussing, laughing, eating and dissecting this spiritual path we find ourselves on - is how much more I can share with you about my own journey and how much I have been holding back – probably thinking, no one was listening or reading or paying attention or wanting to know….

However, I remember when I started out on this path years ago – I read and re-read everything I could get my hands on and wished there was information available to me then, that I now have stored in my head and heart, gained from experience. 

So, I am opening up about more and more of what this spiritual existence has come to mean to us (myself and my family) as we continue to journey onwards and upwards – I hope this is helpful for you in some way and that you remember, you are not alone.

Spiritual Protection – the place to start

Walking the spiritual path can and should be part of life’s purpose for many of us at this time on earth, however, our support system, security and protection have been eroded by neglect, misinformation and energetic interference. If you find yourself feeling drained, tired and worse at the end of your day, there is something you can do about it. 

Safety starts with strengthening our energy fields, taking exquisite care of our bodies and clearing our working and living space. If you are ready to begin the process of improving your level of safety, shoring up your spiritual boundaries and learning how to protect yourself (on every level) until you reach your destination – this is the most natural place to begin. 

A weak energy field means a compromised body – so, you must take steps in every area of your life to protect yourself both inside and out. 

First things first……Don’t share a clinic room (working space?) with anyone. Seriously. I know that it cost’s money and we probably don’t feel we make enough money to have a place of our own. But, for the most part, this is absolutely correct, having your own space is vital to being able to protect yourself.

If you look hard enough and create an opening somewhere (magic, wishing, praying, yelling, ranting all help LOL), you will find a place of your own. I have successfully worked in the smallest of places (read closet), self-contained in my own energy….

And left posh digs that were dripping with darkness in order to just have a space of my own.

Why is this so important? Well, there is just too much energy flying around (on a good day) and this will compromise the quality of your work space. Your space needs to be your own, with only your energy in there and that of the people you will serve, this is the easiest and safest way to work for everyone.

One other thing…..when we are working, we are opening ourselves up (heart and soul) so, I need to have protection around me in order to feel good about working on this deep a level. 

Keep the discussion going! Please post a question or a comment, I would love to hear from you 

leaving the shore....