The following is an article I wrote in 2009 - which is as relevant right now as it was then. The flu would not be something to be feared or worried about in people who are healthy, with strong functioning immune systems. However we are not encouraged to work on improving our health - instead we are pushed to fill our bodies with an even growing list of toxic compounds.
Has our human race reached the final end point where the promotion of disease and dysfunction is concerned or are we seeing but unable to comprehend the level of corruption involved in manipulating our health. Read on....
World Wide Pandemic declared with all normal seasonal flu like symptoms being put down to Swine flu
Each and every year humans are subjected to flu, vomiting bugs, colds and ‘flu like’ illnesses- this all appears sort of normal as it has always been like this. Just like chicken pox when you are three and any number of other rites of passage. Well, it used to be expected and normal, but increasingly it has become disallowed to have a functioning immune system- ie; present signs of seasonal illnesses that prime the immune system and have various other functions in the body.
I have stood on the sidelines and watched over the years as each new vaccine was introduced, to the now grand total of 36 childhood vaccinations and boosters. A pattern emerged as the illnesses the inoculations were designed to prevent became demonized and a threat to everyone, especially new born babies. (who would have thought that Hepatitis B would be a common threat to a newborn?)
The final straw for me, well there have been a few, but the final, final one was the chicken pox vaccine. At the time it was being introduced, it was advertised on the television as a nuisance and why would parents want to take a week off of work and stay home with kids who have chicken pox? Why indeed….
For me, as a Medical Intuitive and Nutritionist, I have long known that these viruses have many other functions within the body, after all we have co-evolved with viruses for eons for a host reasons. Of course they assist with running the engine of the human body and making sure all things are in working order, but they are also involved in spiritual, energetic and emotional growth and shifts. For example, for many years I would see people (adults) with ‘active’ chicken pox in their nervous tissue and invariably it would always be associated with a spiritual awakening of some kind, however they would not be unwell- quite the opposite in fact.
It has long been known by mothers every where that after a cold or flu-like illness, your children experience a growth spurt and seem clearer and brighter than ever. Of course these are children that are eating a nourishing diet of wholesome foods, get plenty of exercise and are allowed to experience a cold with out being inundated with chemical medications. It used to take me months to get ‘over’ a cold as a child because of the reliance on cough medications, aspirin, medicated rubs and antibiotics.
I have read, watched and observed over the past six months or so, all of the information that is coming out and being controlled or manipulated by the media. It is necessary to go to both the main stream and alternative news sources just to get some indication of what is actually going on. Of course it appears that the overall design of the ‘world order’ police (or who ever makes such decisions these days) is to push this ‘flu’ way over the top, and they have done- it is now so far off the scale of reasonable that it makes no sense what so ever.
First of all, to declare a world wide ‘pandemic’ just in case one might happen, to spend money that no one appears to have during a depression, and to over-ride all other normal and reasonable protocol such as rigorous testing- just doesn’t feel right. As a matter of fact none of this adds up. We have a pandemic being managed by the politicians with something pulling the strings and we cannot tell who it is. It is abundantly clear to anyone who thinks that this entire pandemic is a scam and a cover up for something far bigger.
It was just the other day I was listening to an expert on seasonal flu mention that only about 20% of ‘flu’ cases are actually real flu in any one season. So, now this can not possibly be right- because each and every case of flu/cold has become H1N1 and there are no other options or diagnosis being offered and in the vast majority of cases there is NO testing with a ‘diagnosis’ being provided over the telephone.
And what about these ‘additives’? I have worked with food for a long time and the word additive should always be treated with great suspicion as it lends itself to ingredients that are unnecessary and usually harmful. Has the Gulf War Syndrome taught us little or nothing? Oh, I forgot, it is not real, it is still a figment of our imaginations and those of the 400 000 or so veterans who are down with mysterious illnesses.
Funny how we ‘the people’ are displaying evidence of overactive imaginations where our health, well-being and bodies are concerned, but the governments of several countries assured us that Weapons of Mass Destruction did indeed exist in Iraq and they are apparently still looking for them. We should all give our heads a shake and not believe one damn word that these idiots say!
If something has an additive, follow your gut, don’t eat it, inject it or wear it on your skin. Further to this what about the ‘levels’ and differences in H1N1 injections? One for you, a different one for me because I work for government as in Germany, another one if you are 6 months old, yet another one and only one if you live in Canada (who just started to vaccinate as they say the serum was not ‘ready’), you may receive two shots if you live in Europe and Australia has been vaccinating for well over a month before anyone else….
Can’t anybody get it straight? Why is there so much variance if these are all universal, controlled substances? There has to be some other factors at work here.
One group says one thing and another group claims something else. Just like ordinary politics. Which brings me to my next point- this whole farce is not being run by Medical Officials- it is totally political, thus the offsite inoculation centres we have heard about and the large scale involvement of ‘thought police’ or spin doctors and Big Gov. It seems that perhaps entire populations could be forced to take the vaccines as laws and rules are being changed to reflect this new reality.
Indeed even the definition of ‘pandemic’ has been altered by the World Health Organization in order to accommodate a pandemic that does not cause death and has low mortality rates. Under these new rules, the common cold is a pandemic, as is sugar cravings and consumption of alcohol.
So, what is in this inoculation that ‘they’ require the entire population to have? I believe that it contains a micro- chip and that this was first attempted in 1976 but the technology was not yet ready or sophisticated enough to ensure low ‘failure’ rates and it indeed failed spectacularly. Then, as now, a window of opportunity was seized and something was made of nothing, in order to catalogue the world, only now they will push on with it. Or better still something like the 1918 Spanish Flu virus, also type A H1N1, has been resuscitated (now perhaps harmless as most should have immunity) and is being circulated with a new type virus in order to hasten mutations.
The reasons I feel this way are numerous and here are a few of them:
• Healthy and low risk populations being jabbed
• People who have had flu already being told to still get jab
• It is well known that flu vaccines are weakly effective at best
• Governments around the world rushing to change and enact legislation to enforce vaccination of the populations
• Greater expectation of side effects, again law mandates altered to not hold Big Pharma accountable- because this is a government effort
• Gathering information from physicians on every participant in the vaccine programme
• One dose or two? Canada gives one, Europe gives 2 and two for children under 10 years
• Off site inoculation centres
• Mixed just before injection, ‘not ready for use’
• Varying injections with different ‘qualities’ such as adjuvants
• Enormous hype over a very mild and benign illness
• WHO stopped tracking numbers and this does not seem to be the interest of the authorities
So, here we are in the middle of a world wide cataloguing of the earths population and for what purpose pray tell? One thing that is curious is that a VeriChip ™ has been used in several hundred people in Mexico since 2004 for security and identification purposes and according to the news article it has many other capabilities. That was five, soon to be six years ago, a lot can change and a lot of improvements can be made in that length of time…
I wonder what these implants/ microchips can do now? Track an individual and provide a lifetime of information on them, cause a ‘termination’ or create a disease if a person becomes a problem, act as a security measure, and control people in ways that we can only just imagine. And now we see that some vaccines were improperly ‘mixed’ resulting in people having to be re-inoculated, what was missing? The MICROCHIP?
Here is another scenario, what if ALL the sheeple who have been vaccinated can be programmed to shed viral particles of a NOVEL nature and infect the rest of us, CONSCIOUS objectors? Lets be reasonable here, why take out the ones that believe anything you say, when instead you could go for those who question, oppose and otherwise think about the information that is being made available by the media?
Now, for the next point. This vaccination scheme is Biblical in proportion- remember it says that in the end times, you will need the mark of the beast in order to survive? Well think in literal terms- beast (animals with microchips), chip reader/scanner on the hand and forehead for identification purposes and it has already been mentioned that it may transpire that you will need to be ‘vaccinated’ in order to travel on airplanes, receive certain government services and even send your children to school. Perhaps they will set up scanners at the supermarket.....the technology is already there!!!
The mark of the beast is not a tattoo anymore, it is a chip and even that is highly controversial as there is little to no research and what is known is not at all good. These little implants cause cancer, migrate, cause bleeding and create a host of problems that have gone largely unreported in pets that have them.
Just this past month the makers of VeriChip ™ have made public a new business protocol, together with another firm to make a chip that has something to do with tracking pandemics, such as H1N1 and it is a ‘built in’ system or an implant. Therefore, they will know who has the flu, when, if you are vaccinated, where you are, who you are and every single personal detail about YOU.
By the way, their research white paper was published last May 2009, which means it was written in the several months prior to its publication- handy that H1N1 was being ‘studied’ and a chip was being made for it just prior to an ‘outbreak’.
Feel more secure yet? I for one just can not abide being lied to, and this is such a blatant lie, just like all the other lies- ‘they’, the Illuminati or the Thought Police actually create them and think that the world’s populations will sit in silence forever while they carry on with their big end game.
Not anymore, there are people like me and you rising up everywhere and shouting about the things that we know, feel and see. Remember, your gut, your intuition, it hasn’t failed me ever, and right now it is time we all started to trust no one other than ourselves.
Some science this is, another installment in the ‘Big Lie’ and so we watch them line up for their chips, just like sheep.
Sources and direct quotes
1. “we are going to spend less time testing people, now that SF has taken hold”
She said health labs will spend less time testing people, now that H1N1 has firmly established itself in the general population. "What we're going to concentrate on now are the ones that are more severe and certainly the ones that are hospitalized."
Dr. Faith Stratton, chief medical officer of health for Newfoundland and Labrador, said swine flu is rapidly spreading across the province. (CBC)
2. It is Official: WHO Recommends Mandatory Injections to Almost Two Hundred Countries
3. Registration
Canada has said that it may need to “verify eligibility” for vaccination.
“Planners need to develop methods of identifying the numbers for each population subgroup and how best to confirm inclusion in a particular subgroup at the level of the immunization clinic.” (Canadian pandemic plan)
Greece has said that everyone will be required to register. So clearly there may be some kind of identification and/or registration in Canada and possibly the issuance of vaccination certificates, the non-possession of which some are concerned could be used to deny various services — such as health insurance, day care, or employment — and thus effectively force people to accept vaccination.
4. Top scientists who helped developed vaccines are refusing to take it as well as health officials. Non medical persons are controlling the “flu pandemic”
5. German concerns over different tiers of vaccines and varying ingredients
“Critics warned the vaccinations campaign could be a "million-euro flop" as many people might refuse to participate after learning they would receive a different shot than one being given to politicians, high-ranking government employees and soldiers”. Debate over swine flu shots in Germany
One dose or two? Depends where you are….
7. VeriChip used in Mexico personnel.
8. From a 2006 article on Microchips in humans inevitable: Alberta
Frank Work, Alberta's privacy commissioner, said he thinks it's inevitable."Worried or scared, you know that if there is an advantage to it, either economic or medical, someone is going to perfect it," Work said. "Someone is going to bring it to a point where it can be used in the near future.
"We'll do it in a well-intentioned way, wanting to look after people. But like with anything, as soon as you bring in the well-intentioned application, someone will figure out the evil application."
9. IBM Creates DNA-Sequencing Microchips In Race To The $1000 Genome
10. “We’re really on the verge of creating a surveillance society in America, where every movement, every action — some would even claim, our very thoughts — will be tracked, monitored, recorded and correlated,” says Barry Steinhardt, director of the Technology and Liberty Program at the American Civil Liberties Union in Washington, D.C.
(A chipped person’s medical profile can be continuously updated, since the information is stored on a database accessed via the Internet.)
11. U of T researchers create microchip that can detect type and severity of cancer
12. They want extra or out of the ordinary ‘data’ on each recipient of the vaccine. This is why some physicians in Ireland opted out of the programme
13. Since I was unable to get much of a straight forward explanation about the chip, bracelet or what the VeriChip™ people were doing, I looked at some other sources.
14. Pets have been chipped for a few years with little follow up. Check out this research site on this important subject and the paper detailing their findings.
15. Gary Null, check out his website and New York State hearings on you tube. Direct links on the site
Videos from the NYS Assembly Hearing
16. Excellent article which discusses the ‘real’ number of flu cases each season
Improperly mixed vaccine results in re-inoculation of people in Canada
‘I know that most men, including those at ease with the problems of the greatest complexity, can seldom accept even the simplest and most obvious truth if it be such as would oblige them to admit the falsity of conclusions which they have delighted in explaining to colleagues, which they have proudly taught to others, and which they have woven, thread by thread, into the fabric of their lives.’
Leo Tolstoy
April Danann © 2009
Summer Solstice Morning 2012 |