Wednesday 25 May 2011

I used to eat that...

These days I spend a lot of time watching and listening, and I realise that I have done this for some time. I am still so aware of what others are saying about the food that they are eating and drinking. We are bombarded with food, adverts, shows, books, blogs- yet look at us. Health is still such a very important issue. So what are we doing wrong on the food front? 

One of the reasons I wanted to get back into keeping a blog like this is to share my journey back to health, all thanks to food. I no longer feel that I am eating the wrong things, I know that the food I choose to eat nourishes me and my family. 

Lately we are growing more than ever in the garden, in a small green house and are all just really enjoying that while we have lots of other things to complain about, it is not health related and at one time it was. 

I work as a nutrition therapist, conduct research, am a Medical Intuitive and combine all that I do into some kind of Energy Medicine for the body, mind and soul. At the basis of all of this is the food, water, herbs and exercise habits that I use every day to keep me healthy and moving forward in this awakening world.

This is a blog about eating the right foods to stay healthy as a practitioner of Energy Medicine, a therapist, a healer, a spiritual teacher, a light worker and anything that you may call yourself these days. If you work with or around energy, and you do not take specific care for yourself, you will become depleted, unwell and sick. High energy work demands a high energy diet. 

Come, follow me, I know 'The Way'

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