Saturday 16 June 2012

Day 10 - Nearly There

I am now in the final stages of my Master Cleanse - Day 10 with less than 24 hours before I break my fast and start gearing up for food again. This has been quite an experience I must say and at the end of it all - very good!

My body never ceases to amaze me at what it is capable of and how it then proceeds to systematically remove the old/unnecessary/toxic and clean house. I feel pretty good today and have felt good for the last few days in fact. Except for the rain...but oh well. That too shall pass.

This MC has been quite different from others that I have done and I think it is because it is simply deeper - perhaps I am finally getting into spaces and places in-between that I have wanted to get into for a long time. It certainly seems that way. I am feeling quite clear in my mind and body as well and my thinking is a little different again.

I feel more adventurous - as if some piece of my spirit or the girl that I used to be is coming back. Last night was a night of many dreams - only these were not the usual ones that I have during a cleanse, they were each about change, movement, traveling and setting things up - sort of like getting ready for something? Perhaps for any changes that are coming!

One dream that stands out was of me with a dog team and sled in the north of Canada, I was pretty far north, but realized I still had a ways to go and was sorting out fish to feed the dogs so that we could continue night and day on our journey. Very cryptic - I am thinking now even as I write this if my body would like me to continue for a couple more days on this cleanse...hmmm. Today will tell!

Other than that I am once again very pleased that I have made it this far - it is always such an accomplishment and my digestion always goes back to work so cleanly afterwards. Another point worth making here is that instead of feeling depleted after 10 days without eating, you feel nourished, taken care of, refreshed and ready to go. Remarkable really, because all that is taken in is water and the little bit of lemon, maple syrup and herbs. 

Well, off to see how this day plays out, talk to you tomorrow,


Here is another butterfly in the garden- they seem to love the sage

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